Por Valdemir Mota de Menezes
Es difícil decir exactamente qué cruel era Olimpia, dijo Brian Pavlac, historiador estadounidense. "Personajes históricos a veces son recordados por ser más terrible de lo que realmente eran," cuenta Pavlac.
Cruel o no, su maniobra política para poner a su hijo en el poder disgustó al ejército macedonio, que finalmente capturarla. Olimpia fue condenada a muerte en 316 antes de Cristo, que viven siete años más que su famoso hijo.
La Grèce a été le berceau d'une civilisation qui a produit le grand art, la littérature, des histoires, et ses seins apparu chez les hommes qui étaient des icônes de l'humanité. Le vocabulaire grec emprunté dans d'autres langues et nous a gratifié avec le Nouveau Testament de Jésus en grec. (Par: scribe Valdemir Mota Menezes)
quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014
Alexander the Great: chronology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014
Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
The Argead kings of the Macedonians from the early fifth century through the
reign of Alexander III (The Great). Based upon the exemplary work of Borza, E.
In the Shadow of Olympus (Princeton 1990) p. xviii.
Amyntas I 498/7
Alexander I 498/7-454
Perdiccas II 454-413
Archelaus 413-399
Orestes 399-398/7
Aeropus II 399-395/4
Amyntas II 395/4
Pausanias 394/3
Amyntas III 393-370/69
Alexander II 370/69-367
Ptolemy 367-365
Perdiccas III 365-360/59
Philip II 360/59-336
Alexander III 336-323
The Argead kings of the Macedonians from the early fifth century through the
reign of Alexander III (The Great). Based upon the exemplary work of Borza, E.
In the Shadow of Olympus (Princeton 1990) p. xviii.
Amyntas I 498/7
Alexander I 498/7-454
Perdiccas II 454-413
Archelaus 413-399
Orestes 399-398/7
Aeropus II 399-395/4
Amyntas II 395/4
Pausanias 394/3
Amyntas III 393-370/69
Alexander II 370/69-367
Ptolemy 367-365
Perdiccas III 365-360/59
Philip II 360/59-336
Alexander III 336-323
quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2014
By: Valdemir Mota de Menezes
I know Alexander the Great, king of the Greco-Macedonian Empire, since I was 14 years old, now I'm 44, so I can say I know Alexander 30 years ago. My first contact was through the history books of the school, in elementary school. After age 15 I converted to Jesus, and the Bible, I read in the eighth chapter of the book of the prophet Daniel there is a tremendous prophecy of the emperor Alexander the Great. It is notable horn of the goat. The goat in Daniel's prophecy is the Greco-Macedonian Empire. Later I read a book of biography of Alexander the Great. Over the years I have watched videos, documentaries, magazine articles about this character who had a meteoric career, and lived so little, dying at the peak of their strength.
Hoje estou começando o meu curso on-line pela Wellesley College de Massachussets. Nos próximos três meses estarei postando muita informação sobre um dos grandes líderes da história mundial: Alexandre, o Grande, rei do imperio Greco-Macedônio. No livro do Profeta Daniel no capítulo 8, o profeta Daniel o descreve sobre o futuro e fala de Alexandre como o CHIFRE DO BODE, aquele que venceu o carneiro do imperio Medo-Persa. Interessante que existe até hoje uma moeda antiga mostrando Alexandre com um chifre.
E levantei os meus olhos, e vi, e eis que um carneiro estava diante do rio, o qual tinha dois chifres; e os dois chifres eram altos, mas um era mais alto do que o outro; e o mais alto subiu por último.
Vi que o carneiro dava marradas para o ocidente, e para o norte e para o sul; e nenhum dos animais lhe podia resistir; nem havia quem pudesse livrar-se da sua mão; e ele fazia conforme a sua vontade, e se engrandecia.
E, estando eu considerando, eis que um bode vinha do ocidente sobre toda a terra, mas sem tocar no chão; e aquele bode tinha um chifre insigne entre os olhos.
E dirigiu-se ao carneiro que tinha os dois chifres, ao qual eu tinha visto em pé diante do rio, e correu contra ele no ímpeto da sua força.
E vi-o chegar perto do carneiro, enfurecido contra ele, e ferindo-o quebrou-lhe os dois chifres, pois não havia força no carneiro para lhe resistir, e o bode o lançou por terra, e o pisou aos pés; não houve quem pudesse livrar o carneiro da sua mão.
E o bode se engrandeceu sobremaneira; mas, estando na sua maior força, aquele grande chifre foi quebrado; e no seu lugar subiram outros quatro também insignes, para os quatro ventos do céu.
Daniel 8:3-8
E levantei os meus olhos, e vi, e eis que um carneiro estava diante do rio, o qual tinha dois chifres; e os dois chifres eram altos, mas um era mais alto do que o outro; e o mais alto subiu por último.
Vi que o carneiro dava marradas para o ocidente, e para o norte e para o sul; e nenhum dos animais lhe podia resistir; nem havia quem pudesse livrar-se da sua mão; e ele fazia conforme a sua vontade, e se engrandecia.
E, estando eu considerando, eis que um bode vinha do ocidente sobre toda a terra, mas sem tocar no chão; e aquele bode tinha um chifre insigne entre os olhos.
E dirigiu-se ao carneiro que tinha os dois chifres, ao qual eu tinha visto em pé diante do rio, e correu contra ele no ímpeto da sua força.
E vi-o chegar perto do carneiro, enfurecido contra ele, e ferindo-o quebrou-lhe os dois chifres, pois não havia força no carneiro para lhe resistir, e o bode o lançou por terra, e o pisou aos pés; não houve quem pudesse livrar o carneiro da sua mão.
E o bode se engrandeceu sobremaneira; mas, estando na sua maior força, aquele grande chifre foi quebrado; e no seu lugar subiram outros quatro também insignes, para os quatro ventos do céu.
Daniel 8:3-8
Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
Chronology of important dates and events
1187 B.C.E. Capture of Troy
559-530 Reign of Cyrus II, the Great
499-494 Revolt of Ionian Greeks
490 September Persian defeat at Marathon
480 September Destruction of the temples
on the Acropolis of Athens;
Persian defeat at Salamis
479 Persian defeat at Plataea
450 Peace of Kallias
431-404 Peloponnesian War
387/6 “King’s Peace”
382 birth of Philip II
380 Panegyricus of Isocrates
371 July Battle of Leuctra
369-367 Philip II hostage in Thebes
362 Battle of Mantinea
360/59 death of Perdiccas III
(brother of Philip II)
356 20 July birth of Alexander III
346 Isocrates’ letter To Philip
338 August Battle of Chaeronea
336 spring Macedonian Expeditionary force
crosses Hellespont
336 October assassination of Philip II
334 late spring Battle of the Granicus River
334 early summer Alexander in Ephesos
334 summer capture of Miletos
334 summer siege of Halicarnassus
334/3 winter Alexander’s campaigns in Caria,
Lycia, Pamphylia, Phrygia
333 spring Memnon’s naval offensive
333 spring/summer Alexander in Gordium,
campaigns in area
333 late summer Alexander into Cilicia
333 end of summer Alexander in Tarsus
333 September Darius in the Amik plain
333 November Battle of Issos
332 January-July Siege of Tyre
332 Sept.-November Siege of Gaza
331 late winter Alexander’s visit to Siwah
331 7 April Inauguration of Alexandria
331 spring Alexander in Memphis
331 April Alexander leaves Memphis 331 9 pm 20 Sept. Eclipse of moon after
Alexander crosses Tigris
331 1 October Battle of Gaugamela
331 end of Nov. Alexander leaves Babylon
331 end of Dec. Alexander leaves Susa
330 Jan - May Alexander in Persepolis
330 July Death of Darius
330 August Alexander in Zadracarta
330 October Dimnus conspiracy
330 autumn Deaths of Philotas and Parmenio
329 March Alexander in Helmand Valley
329 spring Death of Satibarzanes
329 spring Alexander crosses Hindu Kush
329 summer Capture of Bessus
329 autumn Revolts of Sogdians, Bactrians
329 winter Alexander in Bactra
328 spring-summer Campaigns in Sogdia, Bactria
328 summer Capture of Rock of Sogdiana
328 autumn Death of Cleitus in Samarcand
328/7 winter army rests in Nautaca (Karshi)
327 spring End of Sogdian revolt
327 spring Alexander marries Roxane
327 late spring Alexander introduces proskynesis
327 late spring The conspiracy of the pages
327 spring/summer Macedonians across Hindu Kush
327/6 winter Hephaestion to Indus.
Campaigns in Swat
326 late winter Capture of Aornus
326 spring army re-assembles at Indus
326 May/June Battle of the Hydaspes
326 summer solstice Alexander at Chenab
326 summer Mutiny at the Hyphasis
326 late summer Alexander back at Hydaspes
326 August Death of Coenus
326 early November Alexander begins journey
down Hydaspes
326/5 winter Alexander wounded
in Mallian town
325 July Alexander in Patala
325 late August Alexander leaves Patala
325 early October Alexander leaves Oreitai
325 early November Nearchus sets sail
along south coast
325 December Nearchus arrives in Salmus
325 late December Alexander leaves Carmania 324 March Alexander back in Susa
mass marriage ceremony
Paying off of debts
Arrival of Successors
324 mid-summer Alexander at Opis
324 summer Mutiny and banquet at Opis
324 4 August Decree about exiles
announced at Olympia
324 October Death of Hephaestion
in Ecbatana
323 early in year Alexander leaves Ecbatana
323 spring Alexander back in Babylon
323 late May Alexander falls ill
323 10 June death of Alexander
Chronology of important dates and events
1187 B.C.E. Capture of Troy
559-530 Reign of Cyrus II, the Great
499-494 Revolt of Ionian Greeks
490 September Persian defeat at Marathon
480 September Destruction of the temples
on the Acropolis of Athens;
Persian defeat at Salamis
479 Persian defeat at Plataea
450 Peace of Kallias
431-404 Peloponnesian War
387/6 “King’s Peace”
382 birth of Philip II
380 Panegyricus of Isocrates
371 July Battle of Leuctra
369-367 Philip II hostage in Thebes
362 Battle of Mantinea
360/59 death of Perdiccas III
(brother of Philip II)
356 20 July birth of Alexander III
346 Isocrates’ letter To Philip
338 August Battle of Chaeronea
336 spring Macedonian Expeditionary force
crosses Hellespont
336 October assassination of Philip II
334 late spring Battle of the Granicus River
334 early summer Alexander in Ephesos
334 summer capture of Miletos
334 summer siege of Halicarnassus
334/3 winter Alexander’s campaigns in Caria,
Lycia, Pamphylia, Phrygia
333 spring Memnon’s naval offensive
333 spring/summer Alexander in Gordium,
campaigns in area
333 late summer Alexander into Cilicia
333 end of summer Alexander in Tarsus
333 September Darius in the Amik plain
333 November Battle of Issos
332 January-July Siege of Tyre
332 Sept.-November Siege of Gaza
331 late winter Alexander’s visit to Siwah
331 7 April Inauguration of Alexandria
331 spring Alexander in Memphis
331 April Alexander leaves Memphis 331 9 pm 20 Sept. Eclipse of moon after
Alexander crosses Tigris
331 1 October Battle of Gaugamela
331 end of Nov. Alexander leaves Babylon
331 end of Dec. Alexander leaves Susa
330 Jan - May Alexander in Persepolis
330 July Death of Darius
330 August Alexander in Zadracarta
330 October Dimnus conspiracy
330 autumn Deaths of Philotas and Parmenio
329 March Alexander in Helmand Valley
329 spring Death of Satibarzanes
329 spring Alexander crosses Hindu Kush
329 summer Capture of Bessus
329 autumn Revolts of Sogdians, Bactrians
329 winter Alexander in Bactra
328 spring-summer Campaigns in Sogdia, Bactria
328 summer Capture of Rock of Sogdiana
328 autumn Death of Cleitus in Samarcand
328/7 winter army rests in Nautaca (Karshi)
327 spring End of Sogdian revolt
327 spring Alexander marries Roxane
327 late spring Alexander introduces proskynesis
327 late spring The conspiracy of the pages
327 spring/summer Macedonians across Hindu Kush
327/6 winter Hephaestion to Indus.
Campaigns in Swat
326 late winter Capture of Aornus
326 spring army re-assembles at Indus
326 May/June Battle of the Hydaspes
326 summer solstice Alexander at Chenab
326 summer Mutiny at the Hyphasis
326 late summer Alexander back at Hydaspes
326 August Death of Coenus
326 early November Alexander begins journey
down Hydaspes
326/5 winter Alexander wounded
in Mallian town
325 July Alexander in Patala
325 late August Alexander leaves Patala
325 early October Alexander leaves Oreitai
325 early November Nearchus sets sail
along south coast
325 December Nearchus arrives in Salmus
325 late December Alexander leaves Carmania 324 March Alexander back in Susa
mass marriage ceremony
Paying off of debts
Arrival of Successors
324 mid-summer Alexander at Opis
324 summer Mutiny and banquet at Opis
324 4 August Decree about exiles
announced at Olympia
324 October Death of Hephaestion
in Ecbatana
323 early in year Alexander leaves Ecbatana
323 spring Alexander back in Babylon
323 late May Alexander falls ill
323 10 June death of Alexander
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